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Pherlure ( for men to attract women )
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     Since 1703, scientists have known about an organ in the nasal cavity known as the vomeronasal organ or VNO. They assumed it was an evolutionary relic - an organ that humans no longer used. However, in the last 25 years, scientists have discovered that the VNO is the receptor for pheromones. The VNO gives us a sort of "sixth sense", we can't see, smell, hear, or feel pheromones. As a matter of fact, we cannot consciously perceive pheromones at all, though experiments prove that they can work.

     Now it has been proven conclusively, humans produce and react to pheromones, so much so that studies have even shown that exposure to men's pheromones can affect a woman's ovulation cycle, meaning, her readiness and interest in having intercourse. For example, it has been discovered that when the underarm sweat of women in different menstrual phases is placed under the noses of female subjects, the length of these subjects' own cycles is significantly altered. Underarm sweat has been shown to have a pheromone component - dehydroepiandrosterone. This explains why females living in close quarters, such as college dormitories, often have synchronized cycles.

     Men and women exposed to pheromones claimed that they felt self-confident, attractive, and romantic. In tests of pheromone effectiveness, it has been found that 74% of subjects testing a pheromone product experienced an "increase in hugging, kissing, and sexual intercourse." Also interesting, foods that have been known for centuries to have aphrodisiac qualities, such as truffles and oysters, have recently been found to chemically correspond to human pheromones. Still not convinced?

 Scientists have long known that certain hormones, called pheromones, trigger strong sexual desire in animals. This is the reason that male dogs are driven crazy by a female dog in heat.

     Humans too, are influenced in a similar way with the presence of pheromones. Unfortunately, due to evolution, our bodies do not produce enough pheromones naturally to stimulate a response in the opposite sex.

Drive your partner CRAZY with the power of science!

Pherlure¢â is worn much like a cologne; when applied to your clothing, neck and wrists, women will subconsciously detect the pheromones and will suddenly find you far more sexually attractive.

Pherlure¢â is also the answer to having more and better sex with your wife or girlfriend. Pherlure¢â will stimulate an aphrodisiac effect in your partner. She will want and need more sex from you

The powerful effects of sex pheromones have been well substantiated. You may have seen stories about human pheromones on CNN, 20/20, Dateline NBC, Hard Copy, MTV, or many other television programs. Newspapers from coast to coast, medical journals, and many different magazines have featured stories about the amazing discovery of pheromones.

We know you must have many thoughts running
through your head right now. Here are the answers
to the most commonly asked questions about Pherlure:

Q. What are pheromones?
A. Pheromones are naturally occurring chemicals that send out subconscious scent signals to the opposite sex that trigger very powerful sexual responses.

Q. How are pheromones detected?
Pheromone signals are detected through an organ 3 inches inside the nose called the Vomeronasal Organ (VNO). When the VNO detects pheromones, it sends a sexual response signal to the brain.

Q. What is VNO?
A. The Vomeronasal Organ or VNO is the receptor organ of a sensory system involved in chemical communication. Among mammals, sex Pheromones that advertise sexual readiness to potential mates are often, although not necessarily exclusively, detected by the VNO. Odors that are produced by one individual and detected by another of the same species are called "Pheromones" if the process is a real communication with benefit to both individuals. Sexual communication is only one example.

Q. How come I haven't heard about human pheromones or this interesting new sense organ before?
A: Because it's a recent discovery and the media is only beginning to report this scientific advancement! Although you may not have heard of pheromones and the VNO receptor yet, you will, They're fast becoming household words.

Q. Is there any evidence to show that Pheromones are effective in attracting women?
There is plenty of evidence. With the advances in science, the evidence that pheromones are effective in attracting women is growing rapidly.

Q. Do we give off pheromones naturally?
Absolutely. We're chemically communicating with each other all the time. That's something many people don't realize.

Q. If we produce our own pheromones, why do we need the help of Pherlure?
Because of our cultural habits. What do we do first thing in the morning? Take a shower. It washes off our pheromones! Consequently, we're phenomenally deprived. (Furthermore, we tend to dress from head to toe, thereby covering 90% of the very skin that releases pheromones into the air.)  When we put on synthetic pheromones, we're actually replacing pheromones we've washed off.  By supplementing our lost pheromones with Pherlure, we're really "getting back to nature," and re-establishing chemical communication with people around us.

Q. How do you use Pherlure?
Pherlure is best applied directly on to your skin, on your pulse points (neck, wrist, behind ears). The biggest mistake made by beginners is putting on too much. Because of the concentration of Pherlure, only one spray is necessary. If you mostly want to affect women 30 or over, start with 1 spray, and then work your way up on different days... 2 one day.. 1 the next day... Don't start high and move your way back. To affect women under 30, stick with just 1 spray. Using more WILL NOT increase the effectiveness This also gives you more "bang for the buck". Obviously, by using less, you don't run out as fast. Using the least amount possible, you benefit by getting better results, at a much lower overall cost.

Q. How long does Pherlure last?
Our pheromones last approximately 4-8 hours when applied on appropriate spots.

Q. What are the benefits of using Pherlure?

-More eye contacts and smiles from the opposite sex
-You will be found more sexually attractive
-More dates and sexual intercourse
-A rejuvenation of your current relationship
-More passionate lovemaking
-The opposite sex will feel more relaxed and at ease with you
-The opposite sex will start up conversation with you
-Increase your self confidence
-Same sex will intuitively respect you
-Better business / employment relationships

Don't waste time guessing,
Here are the Facts:
University Tested:
Brand Featured on TV:
Brand Featured in FHM/Maxim:

Do you think Pherlure can work for you?
Here is just some of the recent feedback we have received:

"I ordered Pherlure a couple days ago, just under the odd curiosity that it might work. I was wrong... it did work! Every single girl I've worked with, or even came within 15 feet of, seems to find me strangely irresistible. Best part is, all it takes is 1-2 sprays. Again, thanks for an amazing product and an overall amazing experience."
Greg, Houston, TX

"I was totally skeptical...in fact, I'm still having a hard time believing this stuff works so well. But I haven't seen so many smiles and so much attention in a long time. Something is happening with this product, I can't deny that!"
Andrew, Bakersfield, CA

"My order of Pherlure cologne arrived two days ago (Friday), so I tried it out that very evening. From the start, no question, all kinds of women were smiling at me as I passed by and indicating they had 'noticed' me, which gave me a big buzz and boosted my confidence. As the party wore on, a girl I've known a while started to get very frisky, rubbing up close and telling me at one point "you smell nice"! Well, you can imagine where this lead to, and very nice it was too. This morning I got a text from her which begins with the words: "u still smellin nice?". It's wonderful stuff. Thank you."
Sebastian, Jacksonville, FL

"i just came back from best buy store and was just looking for a few DVDs and this pretty sales person walked up and asked if i need anything and i said just looking and the next thing i know shes asking me what my phone number was and what i was doing later tonight......... WOW!!!!!!!!!!! this stuff is great."
RJ, Park Ridge, IL

"I just want to say thank you! A couple months ago I ordered 1 bottle. The day I got it I put some on and went out that night with a girl I dated a few years ago who I've been crazy about since I met her. Over the following few weeks she started coming on to me more and more, now we live together and are totally happy. This is responsible (at least in part) for the fulfillment of my deepest desire. I had been in love with this girl for years, and (not kidding) we started dating not a week after I started wearing Pherlure. We are now living together, and I couldn't be happier!"
Joey, Bridgeton, NJ

"I've always had a problem approaching girls. They would just walk past me like I didn't exist. I sometimes felt like they purposely would not give me any attention just because they were snobby and stuck up. Now, when I use Pherlure Pheromones, it's alot easier to approach girls because THEY are usually the ones that will smile at me first or make eye contact."
Peter, Scottsdale, AZ

"I just would like to say thanks for your product..it really works..i work around alot of women at Starbucks coffee and i tried pherlure around them when i was at work and it worked so well it was dangerous! In a good way though..she couldn't resist me and the thing was, she was about 7 years older than me! Its like i had her strung out..i see a different way i am approached when i use your product..it really does work! I just ordered another bottle today!"
James, Charlotte, NC

"People - I gotta tell you, I have had the dating time of my life with this stuff over the last year. If, and when they start standing close and admiring the scent, you know you have them. Never fails. I'm still getting used to the new found popularity. Thanks for a magic product."
Dennis, Seattle, WA

"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I bought one of your Pheromone products, and the first day I used it, my girlfriend was an ANIMAL in bed! Man, she was doing things that I never thought she would do. We tried tons of new things/positions (all of which were great) and really rekindled the fire. Our past sexual episodes had been mediocre at best, but since I've been using your product, we have had a great time behind closed doors! This very well could have SAVED our relationship. VERY HAPPY with my purchase."
Markus, Cibilo, TX

"Finally a company that charges a fair price for a pheromone aphrodisiac that actually works. I tried 2 androstenone pheromone products before this and there¡¯s no comparison, their's failed and i'm very happy with the performance of Pherlure. Your product rocks!"
Glenn, British Colombia, Canada

"Except no substitutes! I tried Pherlure for the first time and women are flocking my way. When I approach beautiful girls, they can't take their eyes and hands off me and I end up taking them to my place to stay for dinner and then some! I must admit, I did not have as much success with girls before. Thanks, Pherlure, for changing my life for the better"
Michael, Denver, CO

"I thought I would drop you guys a line and let you know that I received the product and everything was good. I put some on my shirt before I went to the hardware store on Friday and the teller was smiling my way. It was kind of funny. Any way once this bottle is gone you can expect another sale from me!!"
Steven, Yourktown, PA

"I didn't know such stuff existed, but I am pulling a lot more ladies with this pheromone. Pherlure has taken pride of place amongst my cologne collection. It's the last thing I put on before I go out for the evening. I'll surely be back for more as soon as I finish this bottle. I seem to be able to attract more women back to my flat more often. Before I was lucky if I pulled once a year!!!... now it's happening every time!!!! The Pherlure just amazes me with how much more looks, attention, flirting and great sex it attracts."
Allan, Manchester, UK

"Incredibly satisfied with your product. Works just as advertised. I work at a kiosk at the mall here, so I'm in contact with alot of women daily, and have had far better responses in getting eye contact, flirting, and getting numbers (even w/o asking!) since using Pherlure Cologne. Incredible stuff. Works just as well when I go out at night to the clubs. Sorry I can't give you any referrals, but Pherlure is MY secret weapon!"
Chris, Schaumburg, IL

"my testimonial: I recently purchased your product and have tried it on several occasions. I am an Airline Pilot and travel to various destinations around the world and language is sometimes a major problem when trying to attract women. Using your product, I have had more success with women in other countries than ever before. Not only are they friendlier, but they are making the first moves which is very encouraging."
Douglas, Toronto, Canada

"Dear Pherlure:
I don't know how it works, Yet the fact is, at 20 years older than my coworkers, Pherlure has completely removed that barrier. This evidence is strong enough for me to know there is a real effect, and that's priceless."
Richard, Carson, CA

"So here is my testimonial, I ordered a bottle of Pherlure and it showed up a couple days later in the mail. Some friends were over when the mail arrived and right away they were asking me what this stuff was, so I told them. Right away they are on my case about buying some "love potion" and saying I was scammed. Of course, since I paid out the money I right away started to defend my purchase. My friends and I decided to go for lunch, so I put a couple sprays on to test it out. Well, we are at this restaurant and the waitress was being nice, which is expected since that is kinda her job. We are all finished up with the lunch and the waitress, straight out, asks me if I would like to go out with her and her friends to a show they are going to tonight!!! I was floored, I of course said yes.......and we have been dating ever since :). All I can say is Pherlure really works!!"
Jason, Dodge City, KS

"It was full money back guarantee so what did I have to lose. Anyway, a couple of days later it arrived, so I used only a spray on my shirt as recommended. I went to the bar, this woman, who I had seen in the bar a few times before but who had previously ignored me, was at the bar buying drinks alongside me and kept looking my way! I got up the courage and said "Can I buy your drink for you" - well after that it was all clear sailing."
Tim, Bradenton, FL

"I decided to give it a try and i must say there was an instant reaction. Girls that i've known for years and barely ever spoke to me were coming up to me and touching and smiling at me saying things like, "There's something Different about you, and, you look SO good!!"...I can't explain the results, I'm only saying that I lived them. I do believe that this product does have a distinct purpose...To give you that first opportunity to meet THE GIRL. They say that half the battle is getting your foot in the door...and I honestly believe that this product does just that. Thank you...and you now have a loyal, life-time buyer (well at least until I'm married!)"
Danny, San Diego, CA

"This week, the people over at Pherlure.com sent me some pheromones in a bottle and I must say, I'm quite happy with the results. All I did was spray it on and let nature take its course. If you've tried just about everything to get the ladies and yet nothing has worked, here's something that will boost your confidence and have the women floating over to you."
Danny Williams
Sexual Health Advisor


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¹Ì±¹ º»»ç : 231 Pakins Ave New York, NY 10170 ¹Ì±¹ »ç¾÷ÀÚ µî·Ï¹øÈ£ : 20-27-02862
Tel : 213-456-1033 Fax : 213-456-1033 E-Mail: sales@libidosa.com
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